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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
An 8 page paper which examines the figures of Muhammad
and Buddha, comparing and contrasting the two. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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8 pages (~225 words per page)
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with any religions, when comparing and contrasting, one can find many similarities as well as the obvious differences. In the following paper we examine separately the individuals who were Muhammad
and Buddha, discussing their relationship with the divine and their messages. The paper then finishes with a comparison and contrast of the two men and the two religions.
Muhammad "Muhammad was a descendant of the Prophet Ishamel, son of the Prophet Abraham. As a little boy, he was orphaned and was brought up by his own uncle. As
a young man, he was a successful businessman, known for his excellent character, truthfulness, and kindness to the poor and needy, the widow and the orphan, the slave and the
downtrodden" (Muhammad). He was born into a society that "was strictly adherent to the worship of idols and held many skewed values. However, he was never involved in the idolatry
worship" (Muhammad). It is interesting to note that at the age of forty there was "nothing so deeply striking and so radically extraordinary in him that would make men expect
something great and revolutionary from him in the future. He used to devote some of his time to the soul worship of God away from his people in a cave
called Hira. However, this all changed when, at the age of forty he received his first of the revelations sent to him by God" (Muhammad). His personal relationship with
the divine was that which involved servitude and getting the message out. And, the religion of Muhammad is Islamic, wherein "Islam means submission, submission to the word of God (Allah)...the
final and inerrant sacred book is the Quran. Allah let His word and will be known through a revelation to the prophet Muhammad, who recorded, in the Quran, everything that