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This 3 page paper discusses three moral and ethical ideas we can find in The Odyssey. Bibliography lists 1 source.
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spirit and will to endure; in addition to that, it sets out guiding principles and patterns of behavior that can be considered ethical guidelines. This paper examines three of the
moral and ethical principles learned from the poem. Discussion One of the most important concepts for Homer is that of hospitality. The idea that travelers should be made welcome, fed,
and given gifts is a principle of long standing; even today its generally acknowledged that when someone is a guest, he or she is safe from harm while they are
under the hosts roof-and furthermore, it is the hosts responsibility to ensure that safety. Giving gifts to guests is no longer the norm, though we now often bring gifts for
the hostess. We can see the idea of hospitality in several places in the poem, but perhaps most clearly in Penelopes obnoxious suitors. They really have no right to
crash into her home and take over as they have, but as their hostess, however unwilling, she is trapped; she must be gracious and extend a welcome. The idea of
the host giving the guest a gift is made explicitly clear in Book I, when Athena, disguised as Mentes, goes to see Odysseuss son Telemachus. When Athena/Mentes starts to leave,
Telemachus says: "But come, stay longer, keen as you are to sail, / so you can bathe and rest and lift your spirits, / then go back to your ship,
delighted with a gift, / a prize of honor, something rare and fine / as a keepsake from myself. The kind of gift / a host will give a stranger,
friend to friend" (I.355-360). The second lesson we might take from the poem involves taking something that doesnt belong to you, and doing so when youve been warned its a