Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Montessori Relationship Between Discipline And Obedience. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 6 page paper that begins by defining and explaining discipline and obedience according to the Montessori philosophy. The paper comments on the materials, creating a favorable and prepared environment, freedom and independence, ground rules, mixed ages and other aspects of the Montessori philosophy. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
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6 pages (~225 words per page)
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She commented that this is a difficult concept for many people to grasp considering the fact that people generally think of discipline as something that is done to a child
to convince them to obey (Montessori 1912). To Montessori, a child is disciplined when he becomes a master of himself and is capable of regulating his own behaviors (Montessori 1912).
When regulating, the child is following certain rules of conduct (Montessori 1912). She further believed that discipline is a way and true discipline comes from within a person and it
emerges from continuous development and growth of the inner self (Conroy and Williams 2007). Montessori believed that the concept of obedience is abused (Montessori 1912). The child will naturally come
to a place based on the development of their self-discipline where they will obey naturally because society is based on a obedience to certain rules and laws (Montessori 1912). She
further said that "obedience and only be reached through a complex formation of the psychic personality" (Montessori 1912). The child must be willing to obey and they must know how
to obey (Montessori 1912), which suggests that adults must teach children how to obey. Obedience will naturally follow the will of the childs mind (Montessori 1912). Here again is the
concept of independence and freedom, both needed for the child to develop discipline (self-discipline) and obedience. As Conroy and Williams (2007) point out, we generally do not link the
terms discipline and freedom but they are so linked in the Montessori philosophy. Thats because we generally link discipline with punishment but this is not how Montessori views the term
and its concepts. In fact, discipline is directly linked to an internal locus of control (Conroy and Williams, 2007) which means that the individual is motivated from within and is