Sample Essay on:
Mission/Philosophy at School of Nursing/Clinical Environment

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 3 page research paper that contrasts and compares the mission and philosophy statements of the University of North Carolina School of Nursing to that of the University of North Carolina Hospitals. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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below. Citation styles constantly change, and these examples may not contain the most recent updates.?? Mission/Philosophy at School of Nursing/Clinical Environment Enterprises Inc. By - properly! While the mission statements of patient-focused care facilities are necessarily different from those of education- focused institutions, when the institution in question is a nursing school, there are similarities, as well as differences, as nursing schools are concerned with producing nursing professionals who are prepared with the skills and philosophical perspectives they need to offer patients a high level of quality care. The following examination the mission and philosophy statements of two institutions illustrates this point. The mission of the University of North Carolina School of Nursing (UNC SN) looks beyond the boundaries of the school and considers the effect of its graduates on the "health and well being" not only for the "people of North Carolina and the nation," but also the "people of other nations," which are affected "through its programs of education, research, and scholarship" (UNC SN, 2007a). This mission is accomplished via several different functions and features. First of all, the school provides a "high quality education within an environment of scholarly inquiry" and, in doing so, it creates "vibrant and supportive life-long learning environments," which ensure that its nursing graduates are professionals who are prepared with the skills and abilities they need "to respond to and effectively address the changing health needs and problems of the state and nation" (UNC SN, 2007a). The philosophy statement for the UNC School of Nursing states that nursing is a "practice discipline and an instrument of care in society," prioritizing the purpose of the ...

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