Sample Essay on:
Missed Nursing Care/Research Article Critique

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 6 page article critique on a study by Kalisch (2006), which deals with tasks that are routinely missing from hospital nursing care. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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6 pages (~225 words per page)

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of this study, providing summation and evaluation. Descriptive Vividness: Drawing on the work of Burns and Grove, Cesario, Morin and Santa-Donato (2002) indicate that this standard of qualitative research refers to whether or not descriptive information was included in the study article. Additional characteristic encompassed by this category include clarity, credibility, the length of time spent at the study site and validation (Cesario, Morin and Santa-Donato, 2002). In each section of this informative and clearly written article, Kalisch (2006) provides description that is vivid and clearly written, and, in so doing, provides considerable insight into the study topic and the lived experiences of the nurse participants. Methodological Congruence: This category refers to the rigor utilized by the author in documenting their study and its finding, as well as whether or not "all elements or steps of the study" are presented "accurately and clearly" (Cesario, Morin and Santa-Donato, 2002). The Kalisch (2006) study demonstrates methodological congruence in that each section of the study is thoroughly and clearly described. For example, the introduction concretely describes the rationale leading to the studys development, as there is a clear need for investigation on this topic, as there is a lack of scholarship on "specific aspects of nursing care missed routinely" and the reasons given by nursing staff for not providing this care (Kalisch, 2006, p. 306). At the end of the study article, in the "Discussion" section, Kalisch does refer to several previous studies that have dealt with themes brought up by the focus groups. For example, she cites Callen and Mahoneys study, which addressed the frequency of ambulation with hospitalized adults, pointing out that the previous studys figures corroborate her findings. These references could have conceivably been included in a literature review but the authors choice to put this ...

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