Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Mindplay and its Effects on Suffering and Defeatism in Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 5 page paper explores the question of how the mind is influenced by other minds and thoughts until the thoughts are grotesques of reality. Further explored is this idea to postmodern thought. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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Sherwood Andersons grotesque postmodern tale in Winesburg, Ohio is one that speaks of the inner self. It explores life, not from the daylight of the main streets of a
small town, but from the various thoughts and expressions of thought, composted along with inner thoughts to convey meaning to the mind. These are what humans perceive as truths, but
Anderson says are false truths. In Winesburg, Ohio, life takes shape out of the shadow of George Willards subconscious. By focusing his
composition on "narrow" truths developed in the minds of several characters, Anderson reshapes small town life into the postmodern theme of defeatism. In the post-war industrialist world in which he
lived, all humans suffered, and in the act, they surrender to their suffering. He took it a step further, saying that the real suffering was not only physical, but psychological.
Small Town Background The perspective of small town life is a useful device in
drawing characters from a darker revisioning of reality that flows from the recesses of the mind. Placing the dark shadows of life in a small town such as Winesburg, Ohio
allows for a single narrator to know many dark secrets from many individual minds. It offers the opportunity for the narrator George Willard to experience and observe first hand so
much darkness and suffering. Anderson uses his own small town experience to address the conscious and subconscious processing of "truths" in his desire to show that truths are counterfeit.
Stylistically, Anderson cast this process in a postmodern sensibility at a time when the bloom is off the rose of American society. It