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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
5 pages in length. The writer discusses the physical, cognitive and psychosocial aspects of Carol's life as she enters into middle adulthood. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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that of growth, so she welcomes each new phase of her life. Physically, Carol was successful at losing a great deal of weight about six years ago but soon
regained the majority due to a combination of slower metabolism and realizing how much physical dedication it required to maintain her new physique. Cognitively, Carol has reached a status
of a well-respected and much sought-after consultant in her particular line of work, a qualitative change that keeps her focused upon having a significant responsibility to school others in her
field. Becoming a grandmother is one of the most important psychosocial benchmarks Carol has experienced that has directly introduced the reality of growing older. The social connotation notwithstanding,
becoming a grandmother has not thrown her into a psychological state of self-pity for a life quickly passing her by, but instead has opened an entirely new chapter to her
already fruitful life. Now she is able to relive the beauty and amazement of her own childrens upbringing but also have the opportunity to savor it so much more
from the vantage point of a grandparent. Until Carol came to accept her weight gain, she was not at all happy with her
appearance. All her life up until just a few years ago she had been able to eat whatever she wanted without the slightest concern for weight gain; now that
she was in her early forties, however, her fast metabolism had come to a screeching halt. The unwanted pounds she had packed on over the past twelve months seemed
to have appeared overnight, inasmuch as it had happened so fast and without warning. Carol could not put her finger on any single food that was more a culprit