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A 4 page paper which examines the history of Mexican Broadcast History. Bibliography lists 1 source.
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a television. Sometimes people do not even have water that runs from pipes and they must go and fetch containers of water, but they will have a television. It is
how many people know what is going on in the world and how many people enjoy different types of entertainment. Many people
do not know that television really got its start in Mexico. While there were many people around the world studying cameras and learning about new ways to invent things that
used cameras, it was in Mexico that the very first color television was invented. The following paper talks about Mexican broadcast history involving the television. Mexican Broadcast History
The first television broadcast that came out of Mexico was in 1931. People did not have televisions, because broadcasting was very new. It took many years to get the different
types of equipment that was needed for television. It also took many years for the right equipment to be invented and tested. So, it was not until a few years
later that people had better equipment and began to really understand television and broadcasting in Mexico. Before the first Mexican television station was
ever built one man, Guillermo Gonzalez Camarena, invented a kind of camera that was monochromatic which means it was a camera that made black and white pictures (Barrera, 2007). He
made this camera from different bits and pieces, building it himself (Barrera, 2007). That was in 1934 and then in 1939 he "developed a Trichromatic system" which kind of means
it uses three colors (Barrera, 2007). With those three colors a camera could make all the colors in the rainbow. Camarena then actually went to gain a patent for