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A 3 page paper which examines how Melvin B. Tolson was a very talented individual and yet never truly appreciated during his lifetime. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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Americans of the 20th century. However, he seemed to go relatively unnoticed until after his death, having published very little during his life, although he was incredibly talented in many
areas. The following paper examines the talents of Melvin B. Tolson and how he was never truly recognized, during his life, for his uniqueness. Melvin B. Tolson Tolson,
born in the year 1900, was fortunate to be born into a home that encouraged reading and knowledge, and fortunate to have teachers who were powerful instructors (Flasch). For example,
his mother at one point, when he approached her with a comment he had heard about Booker T. Washington, a comment made by a white individual, directed him to look
in some of their books for the answer (Flasch). She did not give him the answer to his question, but insisted that he research and discover the truth for himself
(Flasch). In terms of teachers, one particular white teacher was very influential in his learning to be a good public speaker, helping build his self confidence and sense of personal
empowerment (Flasch). For an African American child in the early part of the 20th century his experiences were perhaps quite profound and he utilized these teachings, these conditions in an
incredibly powerful way. He became intrigued and immersed in all forms of art as he wrote poetry, painted, played music and simply seemed talented in almost everything he set his
focus on (Flasch). It is also important to note that during his youth and early adulthood he was experiencing many changes in the society of America as it involved the
African American. He was part of the Harlem renaissance; however he is rarely truly associated with this important time in history, perhaps because his work was considered incredibly intellectual and