Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Melville's "Bartleby, The Scrivener" - 'Eminently Safe'. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
3 pages in length. When examining how the narrator's admission that he is an 'eminently safe' man helps to establish his point of view towards the story's events, it is important to understand how his realization of humanity and the emotions associated with it ultimately allowed him to accept the various occurrence that take place throughout the book. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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of humanity and the emotions associated with it ultimately allowed him to accept the various occurrence that take place throughout the book. Up until this point, the narrator is
living within a bubble of artificial feelings that did not allow him to endure human foibles as a very unchangeable reality; once he had experienced "a feeling of overpowering stinging
melancholy" (Melville, 2004, p. 31), his entire perception experienced such a significant change that he was able to see things in a light he had never before realized. Again
I sat ruminating what I should do. Mortified as I was at his behavior, and resolved as I had been to dismiss him when I entered my office, nevertheless
I strangely felt something superstitious knocking at my heart, and forbidding me to carry out my purpose, and denouncing me for a villain if I dared to breathe one bitter
word against this forlornest of mankind (Melville, 2004, p. 33). Examining the ways in which the narrators awareness changes his point of
view change as a result of his association with Bartleby is found by looking at how human conflict plays an integral role between them, much of which is brought about
by Bartlebys unusual behavior (Dickstein, 2005). The method by which Melville (2004) addresses this ongoing discord is significant to the relationship between Bartleby and the narrator inasmuch as it
demonstrates how Bartlebys odd conduct is the catalyst to the narrators ability to bypass his instinctual reaction and reconsider how he should extend a bit of compassion toward the unusual
fellow. Yet another way to illustrate how the narrators awareness changes in his dealings with Bartleby is by the way the narrator both acknowledges and ultimately accepts that Bartleby is