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A 7 page paper that reports highlights of each of these eras that reflect the mindsets and mentality of the people in each era. For instance, the Church Fathers were even more dominant in the Middle Ages than in the Renaissance. As Dante suggested, people in Medieval Europe believed life was a journey towards a destination. Humanism began in the Renaissance as educated men began looking for greater truths. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
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A.D. and lasted for about a millennia. It was a time when the Church was dominant. It was a tough time because so many were poor with no hope of
easing that condition. This era evolved into the Renaissance. The exact dates for the Renaissance vary by author but it may have begun as early as the 13th century and
lasted until the 18th century. This was a time of dramatic cultural and intellectual changes. The Church was still dominant but not as strongly as in the previous era.
This essay provides information on each of these eras. Middle Ages and Renaissance The Medieval period, also called the Middle Ages, evolved after the collapse of the ancient
civilizations, such as the fall of Rome. The Early Middle Ages are generally considered to have been between 500 and 900 A.D. These are sometimes referred to as the Dark
Ages. With the collapse of Rome, other nations in Europe struggled for survival. This was a time of nomadic warrior tribes. The Late Middle Ages, also referred to as the
High Middle Ages, lasted from 900 to 1400 A.D. The nomadic tribes began to settle themselves taking on national identities. Christianity dominated the nations. Huizinga1 said the Middle
Ages were a time of intense emotion. Every event brought intense feelings and the people expressed those feelings as a child might. There was little relief for the sick or
those who had fallen on hard times. The wealthy flaunted it with grand attire, their weapons, and their servants. Bells had different tones and everyone in the town knew what
each bell meant. Processions were important and sometimes lasted for days depending on their purpose2. And, there were frequent and regular executions for which the people developed a morbid fascination