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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 5 page research paper is in two sections. The first section offers an overview of the problem and proposes a solution, which is specifically that nurses should be educated in the "five rights," but also that technological solutions should be implemented in order to address the complexity of current medication administration. The second section summarizes 5 scholarly articles that support this solution. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
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listed below. Citation styles constantly change, and these examples may not contain the most recent updates. Medication Errors Research Compiled for
, Enterprises Inc. By - properly! In a 2010 study conducted at the University
of California at San Diego, researchers analyzed over 62 million death certificates for the years 1979 through 2006 and the results showed that 244,388 of these deaths were due to
hospital medication errors (Cox, 2010). This study reveals the overall context of the problem, as David Phillips and his colleagues also found that the number of deaths due to medication
error spiked each year in July at teaching hospitals, which is the month when new graduates begin work (Cox, 2010). As this implies, new nurses require more extensive education in
regards to safe and procedurally correct medication administration. Overview of the problem Description of the problem: Before medication can reach the patient, four distinct processes need to occur, with
each taking place without error. First of all, the right medication needs to be prescribed; this medication should be transcribed correctly; dispensed and then administered. Typically, most errors occur during
prescription and administration (Tang, et al, 2007). The task of correctly administering medications is becoming more and more complex, as there are now over 8000 medications, which are associated with
17,000 trade and generic names, that are routinely utilized, which compares to 676, which were available in 1961 (Tang, et al, 2007). Impact of the problem: In 1999, the
Institute of Medicine published To Err is Human, which indicates that there are over a million medical errors occurring every year, which result in roughly 100,000 patient deaths and 77,000