Sample Essay on:
Medication Administration, Study Critique

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 5 page critique of a study article by Pape (2003). The contributing factors to the high incidence of medication errors include "distractions, lack of focus and failure to follow standard operating procedures" (Pape, et al, 2005, p. 108). This article critique summarizes and analyzes a study conducted by Pape (2003), addressing each section of the study report. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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by Pape (2003), addressing each section of the study report. Research problem/purpose or question: The purpose of this study was to apply the evidence-based practices already established as reliable in the airline industry in regards to safety measures within a healthcare organization in an effort to reduce the occurrence of medication errors. The research question posed by the author was: "Which distractors are more predictive of nurses being distracted during medication cycles?" (Pape, 2003, p. 83). Hypothesis: The research hypothesis for this study stated: "Two targeted interventions, a focused protocol and a Medsafe protocol, both educational interventions, will reduce nurses distractions during medication administration cycles when compared to a control group of similar nurses who do not use either intervention" (Paper, 2003, p. 83). Review of literature: Papes review of literature is extensive, and covers every aspect of issues involved in this study. First of all, Pape offers general background on the problem of medication administration errors (MAEs). This discussion also defines terms, using scholarly sources, and explains the complex concepts involved in these terms in straightforward language. This includes discussion of connected topics, such as how organizational culture, with its specific expectations of norms and attitudes, impacts the problem of MAEs and this intersects with airline research, which indicates how errors occur. Additional subtopic include the standard hospital protocol and how the "five rights of medication administration" have evolved into seven rights, which are "right drug, right patient, right dose, right time, right route, right reason and right documentation" (Pape, 2003, p. 79). This section also addresses environmental failures, latent failures, active failures and safety and error prevention. As this suggests, the literature review of comprehensive and thorough, providing the reader with an extensive background on the problem and how other industries have addressed ...

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