Sample Essay on:
Medication Administration

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 7 page paper provides an overview of the central principles of medication administration for nurses. This paper relates the importance of following protocols and specific issues related to the ethics of care. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

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7 pages (~225 words per page)

File: MH11_MHmedaad3.doc

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the complications that can occur in relation to specific types of medications, the protocols to follow in the different methods for administration and the most current methods to reduce medication errors. It is the nurses responsibility to track, document and ensure appropriate administration of medications as a part of the process of patient care. Adherence to strict principles and the following of prescribed methods for administration are essential to appropriate patient care. When most people think of the concept of medication administration, they imagine a registered nurse distributing medication in cups, handing the pills direct to patients. Through this is one aspect of medication administration, nurses and other health professionals can distribute medications through a variety of methods, from oral medications to those that must be introduced intramuscularly or intravenously. Developing an understanding of how medication orders are created, how medications are administered, what documentation must be secured, and the impacts of specific types of medications (including warning signs of allergic reactions or adverse effects) must be a part of the knowledge base of each nurse (McCarthy, Kelly & Reed 371). This research paper will present a view of pharmacological interventions, including their classifications and routes of administration. For each type of medication, a medication order must be provided and understood in order to ensure that proper administration occurs. Nurses must be aware of the factors impacting administration, including variables like patient weight, metabolic issues, and factors hindering methods of administration. Because oral, topical, inhaled and intravenous pharmacologicals are the most commonly used and require different methods of administration, the methods for understanding medication orders will focus on these types of prescribed medications. Pharmacology & Preparation for Drug Administration There are a variety of ways that drugs can be classified, from their area ...

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