Sample Essay on:
Measuring Body Temperature

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 7 page literature review and assessment of reviewed studies addressing the accuracy of several types of thermometers used to measure body temperature. Appropriate topics for future research include replicating conditions of one or more of the more general-application studies while taking into account the complaints of one author regarding the statistical tests and analyses applied to the findings of other specific researchers. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

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7 pages (~225 words per page)

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the mercury-in-glass thermometer still is viewed as the standard and the most accurate device for measuring body temperature. One problem with that type of thermometer is that in busy clinical settings, care providers need faster means of measuring temperature. Another is the danger of breakage and exposure to mercury poisoning; still another lies with the effective sterilization of the thermometer. As antibiotic-resistant bacteria continue to proliferate, effective sterilization is more important today than at any time in the past. I. Statement of problem But which alternative is the most accurate? There are numerous other types of thermometers now available for use, including tympanic, digital, ear, arterial, axillary, chemical dot and other types; there is even a pacifier style designed for use in young children (Braun, 2006). Placement of these various types of thermometers - i.e. oral, temporal, rectal - adds another degree of variability. It is known that a mercury-in-glass thermometer gives different readings when used in different areas, so comparison of accuracy of types of thermometers can be based on comparisons of types used in a single area and then applied to the degrees of difference in readings gained through the use of the mercury-in-glass thermometer in the same areas. Thus the problem lies in determining which of the types of available thermometers is more accurate in active use. Khorshid, Ismet, Zaybak and Yapucu (2005) state that those most often measuring temperature are nurses, and that nurses need to be knowledgeable about the expected accuracy of the variety of types of thermometers available and commonly used. Body temperature is a leading indicator of health and wellness, and often is used ...

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