Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Measurement, Rationale and Conclusion for Presentation on a Hand Washing Program. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 4 page is a 3 slide PowerPoint presentation along with notes for the speaker, presenting a suitable approach to measuring the impact on a hand washing training program in a hospital. The rationale behind the suggested measurements is explained. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
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Unformatted sample text from the term paper: Slide 1 With the implementation of training and the development of new protocols there is the potential to make significant improvements in reducing risks associated with poor
or inadequate practices. However, to determine if there has been an improvement it is necessary to take measurements to assess the level of improvement. There are different types of measurement
which may be utilized, the most effective approach is to undertake measurements before and after the training and then at a later date to assess the long term impact. The
measurement will need to assess two aspects of hand washing; the frequency of the hand washing (an appropriateness of the times) and the effectiveness of the washing that takes place.
Self competing surveys will allow measurements of the hand washing practices to be quantified and assess aspects such as attitudes which impact on the way practices are likely to emerge
in the future. However, surveys of this nature may also result in dishonest or biased replies. Observations may be seen as less potentially biased, these may be used to assess
the frequency as well as the processes used to wash hands, this may be visible observation where the observers are seen, or indirect through the in-house CCTV systems. Individuals may
also change the practices because they are being observed which may skew results. Bittner (et al, 1998) suggests that the observations of the amount of hand towels used indicates the
level of hand washing that takes place and may be used as a measure, Pittit (2001) suggests a similar approach measuring the use of the hand washing liquids as an
indicator. In each of these measures frequency is more easy to measure than the effectiveness, however, the use of swabs and growing of cultures can be used to assess the