Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on McLuhan's Typographic Man. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 6 page paper includes a brief summary of a review of McLuhan's work. Then, the paper goes on to discuss the concept. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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evolution of the species and a claim that perhaps technology is a part of mans evolution. That is, according to Harwoods (2000) evaluation of the book, there is a sense
that technology is something that man embraces, but is really beyond his control, much like other aspects of evolution. A student writing on this subject might want to point out
that Harwood (2000) suggests that the authors intent was to claim that human perception has been altered in some way by the advent of technology. For McLuhan, human perception had
been tactile and utilizes the five senses, but with the use of an alphabet, the scope of human perception was changed (Harwood, 2000). Part of the premise is that print
technology opened the door for other technologies (Harwood, 2000). It was called a technology of individualism because finally, text was permanent and associated with specific authors (Harwood, 2000). An interesting
point made in the article is that the reiteration of the thoughts would culminate in facts or truths. In sum, the Gutenberg Galaxy is something that suggests that technology determines
perception and that this has shaped human behavior, suggesting it is an evolutionary process and not in the control of man (Harwood, 2000). II. Discussion A student presents
the following question: "Compared to handwritten script and the printed book, are societal conditions equally responsible for the creation of the typographic man?" The question seems to suggest that a
student first examine McLuhans thesis regarding the idea that printed books and handwritten scripts have created typographic man. Then, the question really is associated with the idea that McLuhan is
either correct or incorrect in assuming that the advent of words and printed information has created man as he is today. The other position would be related to the idea