Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Marketing a New Product Using a Marketing Audit. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 12 page paper consider how a new product may be launched and uses a marketing audit to determine what and how the product will be dealt with. The example used is a new vegetarian alterative for McDonald’s. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
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is not enough, there has to be either a demand for a the product or service alternatively to product may be one where a demand can be created. In deciding
how to launch a product into the UK market a marketing audit can be used to identify if and where there is a market, the type of product that
will satisfy the demand in that market and how to communicate this in a marketing campaign. For the purposes of this paper there will be an assumption made that McDonalds
wants to launch a new product in their chain of restaurants throughout the UK. II. Corporate Objectives The company needs to understand what the corporate objective are to be.
In some instances a new product may be an undertaking to extend into other markets. This may be as a safety net, desiring only a small presence, or as a
strategic move to increase sales significantly. Alternatively the product or service may be a complementary one that will support other sales and increase a range. Whichever strategy is being followed
the need is for the product to compliment rather than contradict the corporate strategy. If we consider McDonalds there is a corporate strategy
where the brand is important. The products are all designed to be easy to prepare and easy to eat with appeal for convenience and also quality. The product needs to
be one tat can be made en mass with a process that has only a few repeatable tasks. The product will also need to be one that can be stored
for a set time and within a set type of space. The company also needs to consider what type of customers it wants