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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 4 page paper examines how and why an American company should market tea products to China. The paper concludes that adjustments may have to be made to assure that the flavors are conducive to the tastes of the Chinese citizens, but other than that, such a business should thrive. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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4 pages (~225 words per page)
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have found that marketing their services abroad can reap significant rewards and help to expand an existing business. If in fact the open market encompasses the entire world, there is
a need for certain services or products most everywhere. While this may be the case, in some markets the need is simply not there, or marketing to a particular country
will not be conducive to that nations cultural environment. For example, marketing bikini bathing suits to countries where women are generally covered up due to religions beliefs is not a
good idea. Because the women will never leave their homes in such garb, the clothing will never sell. This is just one example but it highlights the notion that business
owners must do their homework as it respects doing business abroad. Selling the right product in the right nation is key to successfully expanding abroad. One example to use in
this are is tea. Tea is a beverage consumed in different countries, but the rate of consumption and the preferences do make a difference in how a successful American tea
company will market its product. If an American company did want to market its tea to China, how might the firm go about it? Is this a good idea? At
first glance, some might think that Chinese tea is available in China and that the consumer might not like American tea, but research is necessary in order to see if
there are cultural differences that would preclude certain types of marketing or flavors, and if there are differences that would encourage other marketing campaigns. Again, the notion of selling
tea to China does not seem right. After all, the Chinese are known for their tea. They are heavy consumers of tea, which is a good thing, but they also