Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Marketing Audit: Coca-Cola Company. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 10 page paper discussing Coke strategy and the features it will need to include in a comprehensive marketing audit. Perhaps as is no other large multinational at the present time, Coca-Cola is facing hard realities of its place in its industry. It recently announced plans to spend an additional $400 million in advertising as industry observers note that the company does not expect to gain any recovery in all of 2005. All of Coca-Cola’s “numbers” currently remain solid, but the company recently warned on earnings and industry analysts muse that those “solid” numbers are not as solid as they might appear. Coca-Cola is long overdue for a marketing audit. The company was expected to undertake massive restructuring of its marketing efforts following the exit of former COO Steve Heyer in June 2004. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
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10 pages (~225 words per page)
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The problem is that I dont know which half." Frank W. Woolworth Introduction and Background Before the advent of radio and then
later, television, advertising was simple and straightforward. Merchants or producers placed print advertisements - the only medium available - and could judge its effect immediately. The pace of
business indicated the success of other measures to attract and retain customers. The entire marketing effort could be assessed quite simply. It was during the 1950s that Frank
W. Woolworth is said to have made his now-famous statement. Determining the effectiveness of advertising efforts is only part of a marketing audit, as advertising is only a part
of marketing. All portions of marketing are important to the total effort, and it is crucial that marketers be aware of the effects of and return on their efforts.
Perhaps as is no other large multinational at the present time, Coca-Cola is facing hard realities of its place in its industry.
It recently announced plans to spend an additional $400 million in advertising (MacArthur, 2004) as industry observers note that the company does not expect to gain any recovery in all
of 2005 (US: Coke lowers earnings and sales expectations, 2004). All of Coca-Colas "numbers" - current ratio, earnings per share, price-to-earnings ratio, profit margin and other financial indicators currently
remain solid, but the company recently warned on earnings and industry analysts muse that those "solid" numbers are not as solid as they might appear. Coca-Cola is long overdue
for a marketing audit. It should be noted that the company was expected to undertake massive restructuring of its marketing efforts following the exit of former COO Steve Heyer