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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
5 pages in length. Targeting specific markets is a critical component to establishing a secure consumer base; however, it is becoming more and more difficult to define the ever-blurring line of clear-cut barriers within Internet marketing. Brian O'Donnell's approach illustrates just how gender, race, income, age, lifestyle and usage are no longer presented in rigid, easily defined components; rather, these demographic elements are in a constant state of change. Because of this perpetual fluctuation, Internet marketing focus must remain ever pliable. Bibliography lists 1 source.
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line of clear-cut barriers within Internet marketing. Brian ODonnells approach illustrates just how gender, race, income, age, lifestyle and usage are no longer presented in rigid, easily defined components;
rather, these demographic elements are in a constant state of change. Because of this perpetual fluctuation, Internet marketing focus must remain ever pliable.
Indeed, business marketing is not what it used to be. With the advent of Internet advertising that reaches far beyond the limited scope of brick-and-mortar stores, business owners
are readily able to reach across the globe in order to sell their products. While this technological advance has proven essential for both small and large companies alike, it
has also come to represent a new wave of guerrilla marketing tactics if the overabundance of Internet retailers expect to effectively compete with one another. ODonnell has come to
understand just how important this aspect of marketing is to his Armitage Ace Hardware store, which he has only just recently taken online. By doing so, ODonnell has placed
himself squarely in the middle of some of the most innovative marketing structures in business history. "...By ambushing, zigging and zagging, Mr. ODonnell has positioned it as a fast-growing,
Internet-based retailer of popular hard goods made by companies that cant or dont want to mount their own electronic storefronts" (Buss PG). What ODonnell has learned from his Internet experience
is priceless marketing tactics when it comes to beating the competition. According to Nancy Burkhart, vice president and general manager of Combi International Inc., a Japanese stroller company with
U.S. offices in Carol Stream, Illinois, "lots of people are on the Web, but Brian knows how to do it right" (Buss PG). Indeed, the student should note that