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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 7 page paper looks at the way a firm selling solar panels may undertake market expansion. The paper discusses the different expansion options, such as exporting, licensing, strategic alliances and wholly owned subsidiaries. The paper ends with a discussion on potential entrance strategies for two different countries. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
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attractive. However, there are different ways in which entry may take place the choice will depend upon the type of goods being sold and the market into which the goods
are to be sold. Looking at a firm that that specialised in renewable energy sources and has create a new and very efficient form of portable solar energy cell the
different options may be considered. The firm has developed a new system of collecting and storing solar energy in small sized solar panels, the development is protected by patents; the
good is one that appears to be suited to many uses in many markets. The issue is how the firm is to enter the different markets. This means looking at
the different options. 2. Entry Strategies There are different strengths and weaknesses to the different market entry strategies, each can be considered individually in order to assess which is
best for the different markets. Exporting may be seen as the most straight forward way of expanding into another country or area.
It involves the manufacturing of the goods in the home country where the facilities already exist. This means that there is no need to find new premises or facilities in
a new area. Therefore, the capacity of the existing facilities will need to be capable of expansion. The advantage of this is the lack of additional facilities required and the
retained control at the existing plant. The problem with this method of expansion is that as an organic growth strategy it may be slow to yield results and it can
also be costly. The strengths of this strategy is the low level of required investment. This is a strategy that will allow a market to be tested out with only