Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Managing A Change in a Human Services Bureaucratic Organization. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
Making changes with a company with a bureaucratic structure can be challenging. This 8 page paper considers the way in which the challenges should be overcome, looking at the process of change and the way the change should be influenced. The paper includes the theory of change as well as considering the role of power bases. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
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an established power system, with a strict hierarchy and ways of doing this. Webers model of bureaucracy has been brought up to date with Handys cultural model. In this it
is an Apollo culture that is bureaucratic. This is also seen as a role culture, with a strict hierarchy and strict job descriptions (Huczyniski and Buchanan, 2003). In any
organization change can be hard to implement, but where the organization deal with human services and as such it is not only a product that is changed, but a change
that is likely to impact on culture and needs a greater shift in attitude. In the bureaucratic culture change may be the most challenging due to the power structures and
the way in which there may be needs for changes in a culture where roles and power are closely associated and roles are strictly defined. Change is not only
in need of organizations but is also likely to find resistance for anyone who is afraid of loosing power or influence and is likely to be aggravated if there has
been a lack of change in the past. By looking at the way power ca be used to influence and accomplish change
this can be adapted for the human service organization with a bureaucratic culture. The change will need to be carefully organization in a population of employees that are not used
to change, as change in itself has a high level of failure. changes to do with new technology and software have a failure rate of 20%, mergers and acquisitions organisational
changes fail at a rate of 29% (Maurer, 1997). Reengineering is higher at 30% and of most concern is the figure for quality improvement, which is 50% (Maurer, 1997). If