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A 3 page paper which analyzes act IV from Shakespeare's "Macbeth." No additional sources cited.
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he will be king, a man who does anything he can to make that prophecy happen sooner than it perhaps should have. Many may argue that it is also the
tale of a wife, once apparently a nice wife, who egged her husband on and hen pecked him to take action so that he would be king. The following paper
examines and analyzes Act IV of this play, illustrating how this particular act, with its three scenes, lays the foundation for the demise of Macbeth. Macbeth It is
in the first scene of Act IV that Macbeth comes upon the witches once more. They are clearly involved in doing something that spells disaster for him and while he
attempts to get answers from them they are not necessarily answers he wants to understand. The focus of this particular scene, however, is that Macbeth is destined for doom, which
is further evidenced when he is haunted by the ghost of Banquo in this scene. The following scene involves Lady Macduff and her opinions of what has gone on, demonstrating
a lack of trust and further laying the foundations for the demise of Macbeth. Lastly we have the third scene wherein it ends with the men determined to do battle
with Macbeth as Malcolm states, "Come, go we to the king; our power is ready;/ Our lack is nothing but our leave; Macbeth/ Is ripe for shaking, and the powers
above" (Shakespeare IV iii). In relationship to literary devices that help support the play and the plot, as they involve the attitudes of the people involved in these scenes,
we first look at the use of metaphors. In the first scene Macbeth is beginning to become irate with the witches and demands an answer, though they play with him.