Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on MOTIVATING EMPLOYEES IN ELECTRONIC RETAIL. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 3-page paper discusses how a sales manager can motivate employees of an electronic retail store using communication and incentives. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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electronic retail establishment in which sales are going down. The good news for our sales manager is that there is a lot of literature out there, with all types of
motivational advice to help the sales manager motivate his or her staff for better sales. However, the basics when it comes to
staff motivation on the retail level, no matter what the product, comes down to two things: Communication and incentive to perform. On
the communication side of things, most employees tend to perform better and are better motivated if they understand why certain procedures are being implemented. Employees, for the most part, are
understanding -- they just dont like being pushed without a good reason. In one scenario, during the late 1990s, the UK department
store Sainsbury was undergoing some tough times because of competition, job cuts and economic times (Jardine, 1999). Because of that, the internal staff at Sainsbury did the right thing --
it educated the remaining employees about why things were being done (Jardine, 1999). One of the issues communicated to the staff was
the need for better and stronger customer service; as well as the indication that each and every staff member in Sainsbury has a contribution to make to the company (Jardine,
1999). Employees, overall, tend to do better if they understand what is expected of them. In addition to Sainsbury, companies such as
Wal-Mart and Tesco also solicit employee involvement, to the point that employee input is sought when it comes to management decision-making (Jardine, 1999). So communications it the first aspect that