Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on MANAGING THE DIFFICULT EMPLOYEE. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This human resource paper is a study on how supervisors can manage "difficult" employees. The essay defines a difficult employee, discusses what causes difficult employees and provides positive suggestions about how to handle these people. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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This was, however, back in the days when employees were considered little more than work horses. Today, however, employees are considered human
resources and as a result, more companies are trying to put more time into protecting those resources. After all, a great deal of cost goes into training new employees, and
despite a bad job market, employers dont necessarily want to lose good workers. The problem with human resources versus, say, financial resources, is the word "human." Human, by its very
nature, means feelings - and sometimes these feelings can lead to employees becoming difficult employees who disrupt the office and the job process. Problem employees are the nightmares of all
managers - no manager wants to have to deal with a problem employee, but they are there in the workforce nonetheless. This
paper will examine what problem employees are, why the challenge of problem employees exist and how to handle difficult employees in a positive and constructive way. The paper will also
explore discipline as a final alternative to dealing with a problem employee. Defining the Problem Employee As we said above, employees are
human, and human beings come to the office with all kinds of emotional baggage. Some of the baggage may be temporary - perhaps the employee was up half the night
with a crying child and is exhausted. Sometimes the baggage is more deep-seated - perhaps the employee abuses drugs or alcohol. As you can see, there are a wide variety
of "problem employees," but for purposes of this paper, well define the problem employee, in general, as one whose behavior and/or attitude interferes with him or her completing the job,