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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 4 page analysis of William Golding’s “Lord of the Flies.” No
additional sources cited.
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4 pages (~225 words per page)
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world, our government, and on our position in the world. Others see it as a direct allegory of religious conditions regarding good and evil. And, still yet, there are those
who see it as a story which illustrates that good will never win over evil, which is perhaps the nature of man. With that in mind the following paper examines
several different elements within William Goldings "Lord of the Flies" Attempting Civilization In the beginning of this novel we see the boys essentially attempting to keep a hold on
their civilization, or their civilized nature. They are very confused at first and do not know what to do without any adults to guide them and instruct them. As such,
the item that serves as a symbol of civilization is the conch shell which the boys gather around expecting civilization to remain with them. Some of these characters acquiesce to
the conch shell, though they are perhaps not very pleased with that form of civilization. This especially applies to Jack who was always a leader in society, or his particular
realm of society. He does not like being led by others who are not adults, and as such only follows the conch for the time being. When we look
at this simple, and brief examination, and bring into play the moral resources discussed by Jonathan Glover in "All About Evil." It seems that in the beginning of the novel
the boys still possess a great deal of their moral resources, for although they are young they have been taught morals and ethics to some degree. However, these moral resources
begin to fade as the excitement of freedom slowly grows within them, offering them a sense of sheer abandonment. Civilization Disappearing The boys slowly begin to realize that