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A 4 page research paper that offers a student guidance in discussing her short term and long term goals. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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on transplant teams and in regards to becoming more knowledgeable concerning balloon pumps. In regards to both these goals, I realize that I have skills and knowledge deficits. For example,
in regards to organ transplants, while the success rates for these procedures is actually quite high, they are not risk free and the patients involved require medical management for the
remainder of their lives (Shapiro, 2005). Coping with the effects of an organ transplant and the uncertainty involved can be extremely stressful both for patients and their families, and,
therefore, I should be not only knowledgeable about all facets of these procedures and what is involved medically, but I should also be prepared to provide emotional and psychological support
(Shapiro, 2005). Similarly, there is a great deal to learn about the intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP), which can provide "lifesaving cardiac support to patients with various cardiac problems,"
which includes patients who have received a cardiac transplant (Little, 2004, p. CC1). It is general practice that the physician inserting an IABP is assisted by two nurses or "a
nurse and a Radiologic technologist" (Little, 2004, p. CC1). As part of the team administering care, I will need to learn how to properly monitor these patients while they
are in the ICU and on IABP therapy. The literature on this subject indicates that monitoring should include the "patients left radial pulse, neurologic status and urine output" (Little,
2004, p. CC1). If the left radial pressure decreases this is an indication that the catheter has migrated (Little, 2004). As the above cited literature suggests, there is a great
deal to learn. Long term: My long term goal is to complete my degree program and obtain certification as a nurse practitioner (NP), which will open up new options and