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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 5 page informative speech focusing on choices available in methods of caring for our oldest citizens. There are many ways in which the long term care facility can positively contribute to seniors’ lives. Simply being more highly aware of individuals’ humanity can make a positive difference. Administrators and care givers short on ideas always can simply ask patients what they prefer. Most seniors are happy to oblige in giving suggestions for making their lives more satisfying. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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5 pages (~225 words per page)
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of the most problematic changes that occur with seniors arise at the time that they can no longer stay in their homes for whatever reason - they may need assistance
with daily chores; they may be isolated and seek the company of others their own age; their homes of decades may simply be too much to keep up. Some
purchase much smaller homes or move to apartments, but these individuals are faced with making another move further in the future when they can no longer live alone.
Need for a nursing home is one of the greatest fears of many of our oldest citizens; I know my own grandmother feared that need
more than any other possible consequence of advanced age. The question is: How can long term care be more responsive to patient needs and provide superlative service? One
method is to focus on patient autonomy and increase awareness of patients individuality. Many of todays nursing homes are doing just that. Health Conditions and Services Offered
Alzheimers and heart disease are two of the most common problems of the elderly and reasons for entering a nursing home or assisted living facility.
Nursing homes have changed for the better over the years, but they still carry a negative connotation and generally only those who truly need full nursing care consider entering
one unless no other alternatives exist. One mid-range solution has been the advent of assisted living, in which seniors live in their own small apartments but have trained staff
at hand around the clock. Nurses administer and oversee medication, and seniors have assistance with whatever has become too much for them to accomplish alone. Some may need