Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Levinson's "The Seasons Of A Man's Life" - Summary, Personal Event And Adult Development. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
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8 pages in length. An appropriate synonym for life is the word 'change' inasmuch as there is little that remains constant throughout human lives without even so much as a subtle amendment. Much more apparent are those changes that occur as connections between various stages of development whereby people -- in theory -- are supposed to learn from past mistakes so as not to dwell upon them in later adult life. This is certainly a worthwhile objective in the overall scheme of human existence that provides an opportunity to gain closure and avoid rehashing unpleasant experiences, however, it is much more difficult to achieve than it is to describe. Daniel Levinson explains these transitional aspects of men's lives as the internal ability to regroup emotions that have been set on end as individuals move into midlife, a time when reassessment of personal and professional accomplishments becomes front-&-center in the mind and can lead to vulnerability, second guessing and a fear. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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much as a subtle amendment. Much more apparent are those changes that occur as connections between various stages of development whereby people -- in theory -- are supposed to
learn from past mistakes so as not to dwell upon them in later adult life. This is certainly a worthwhile objective in the overall scheme of human existence that
provides an opportunity to gain closure and avoid rehashing unpleasant experiences, however, it is much more difficult to achieve than it is to describe. Daniel Levinson explains these transitional
aspects of mens lives as the internal ability to regroup emotions that have been set on end as individuals move into midlife, a time when reassessment of personal and professional
accomplishments becomes front-&-center in the mind and can lead to vulnerability, second guessing and a fear. ...Reaching certain crucial age brackets, especially around the ages of forty and fifty,
provokes intense reevaluation and changes in almost all aspects of life...Men go through a male menopause with emotional and some biological changes [that] begin to alter our identity (Siegel, 2003,
p. 19). II. PERSONAL EVENT AND ADULT DEVELOPMENT Everything that occurs in a persons life has some impact upon that individual later on, whether a lesson was learned, a
new perspective was created or an emotional wound was made. Levinson (1986) illustrates how events do not have to be significant to leave an impression, but those that are
often do not gain closure and therefore fester in the psyche for years. In what the author indicates as a time of rebirth, these playbacks from the past are
instrumental in a mans desire to compartmentalize the outcome of events that - now in midlife - are not the way he would have wished them to end up.