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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 10 page paper is an outline of a plan to teach a class on diet and nutrition with the aim of reducing obesity. The plan outlines the target audience, the learning objectives and desired outcomes, the course contents. The approach to delivering the lesson is considered and there is a review the materials needed. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
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and the healthcare providers. Overweight individuals face increased risks of a range of conditions, including coronary heart disease and diabetes, which can be both serous and life threatening. However, obesity
is a condition that can be managed and avoided with education and lifestyle changes. The earlier that the issue is tackled the greater the potential for success and the avoidance
of health issues associated with condition. Overall there is a general lack of obesity training within the health profession, which results in different attitudes impacting the type of help
or treatment as a client will gain, as well as different coverage for treatment types (Mauro et al., 2008). Part of the issues in terms of health care training and
the position of help to those who are obese include lack of recognition on the part of health care workers and recognizing and identifying the problem of obesity, and understanding
how to address barriers which may be in place to prevent successful treatment (Mauro et al., 2008). Where these issues arise there is a potential for a client to suffer
further as a result of ineffective health care provision, with individuals who may already experience low self-esteem suffering further failures which will have a negative impact on the self-confidence (Mauro
et al., 2008). It has also been demonstrated that in professional circles there is a psychological discrimination against those who are obese which can impact on both career prospects as
well as the treatment of service as individuals get from professionals (Robertson and Vohora, 2008). Therefore, if obesity is associated with socioeconomic status and discrimination takes place in terms of
career development, it is highly likely that it is not only the direct impact on health. The target group are young adults who are under the age of twenty