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Lesson Derived from Mentoring

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 3 page research paper that describes the benefits that student derived from following a mentor's advice to pursue certification in emergency nursing. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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3 pages (~225 words per page)

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the dire need for mentors as statistics in 2008 showed that between 35 and 69 percent of all newly hired nursing graduates left their places of employment over the course of their first year on the job (Ketola, 2009). As an accomplished professional who is acclimated to the challenges of the clinical environment confronting new nurses, mentors offer guidance, assistance and instruction that aids novice nurses in developing the level of self-confidence and professional competency that is needed to remain in nursing and develop their practice expertise. The stress and challenges that confront emergency nurses are multiple as emergency nursing entails the necessity for rapid assessment and treatment in which every second counts. This is particularly relevant during the crucial initial phase of either acute illness or trauma ("Emergency," 2012). While stress throughout nursing is severe, the stress associated with emergency nursing is especially severe as this area of nursing addresses a broad variety of illness and injury situations, which can range from a sore throat to a heart attack ("Emergency," 2012). Even if a nurses clinical environment is not within an emergency department (ED), the necessity to confront emergency situations frequently occurs in nursing practice. Due to this reality, my unit preceptor/mentor encourage me to obtain certification in emergency nursing, as the my mentor expressed obtaining this certification would enhance my professional development. The Pediatric Nursing Certification Board (PNCB) points out that certification provides benefit to both nurses patients and employers, as well as to themselves (PNCB, 2012). This is due to the fact that certification provides validation of the nurses level of specialized knowledge that goes beyond the foundation provided by basic nursing education. This enhances the nurses level of personal satisfaction by providing an increased level of confidence and personal growth. Emergency ...

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