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This 5 page paper discusses three legal cases involving teachers. The cases involve allegations of misuse of corporal punishment; inappropriate behavior; and the violation of teachers’ rights by the state of Arkansas. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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listed below. Citation styles constantly change, and these examples may not contain the most recent updates. Legal Cases Involving Teachers
Inc. by K. Von Huben 7/2010 Please Introduction Teachers occupy a vital place in society, since parents trust them to educate
their children. But beyond that, children are in the company of teachers for most of the day, meaning that the latter have a grave responsibility for their students safety and
security as well. That makes it all the more troubling when teachers are brought into court. This paper considers three court cases involving teachers. Discussion The three cases are quite
different, which makes it interesting; none is a case in which a teacher is charged with abuse. The first case is Shelton v. Tucker and has to do with a
teachers right to privacy in his personal life. The issues: In Arkansas, every teacher employed by a college or school supported by the state is required to file an
annual affidavit that lists each and every organization to which they belong or support (Sheldon v. Tucker, 1960). Teachers working in state-supported schools have no tenure and are hired "on
a year-to-year basis," when their contracts are renewed (Sheldon v. Tucker, 1960). They have no job security and no employment beyond the end of a school year, and because they
refused to file these affidavits, the teachers who were plaintiffs in this suit were not re-hired when their contracts were up (Sheldon v. Tucker, 1960). The specifics: In the spring
of 1959, B.T. Shelton, who had been teaching in Little Rock for 25 years, was told he had to file an affidavit listing all his associations for the previous five