Sample Essay on:
Learning Agreement and Project Outline

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 3 page paper provides an overview of a learning agreement and project outline in nursing administration, that specifically addresses the issue of Code Blue protocols and the education of staff. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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3 pages (~225 words per page)

File: MH11_MHlearnplan.doc

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listed below. Citation styles constantly change, and these examples may not contain the most recent updates. Learning Agreement and Project Outline , 10/2010 --properly! Introduction When patients experience cardiac arrest, the response of healthcare workers can have a significant impact on patient outcomes. Nursing administrators are responsible for creating effective training through which individuals understand their roles and can respond adequately when Code Blue activation is required. Developing methods to ensure that staff are adequately trained and prepared to implement protocols for Code Blue activation is one of the major components of healthcare training. Purpose The purpose of this learning agreement and project outline is to create a plan through which nursing administrators can educate nurses in the hospital setting for the education of appropriate patients Code Blue activation to save resources and improve patient outcomes. This purpose is based on the fact that a variety of different teaching methods have been utilized to improve outcomes in relation to patient safety when Code Blue is activated, with varying patient outcomes (Long, 2005). Misko & Molle (2003) argued that in the hospital setting, there is a need to effectively educate staff to manage Code Blue situations, in order to promote the best outcomes for patients. These researchers maintained that teaching staff often focuses on methods to ensure that nursing staff manages cardiac arrest situations with confidence. Croskerry et al. (2009) argued that emergency department leaders have discovered that staff frequently identifies a lack of confidence in their expertise regarding resuscitation as a major factor hindering patient safety in Code Blue situations. Expected Responsibilities The expected responsibilities ...

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