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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 8 page paper discusses different leadership theories and how these theories are evidenced in the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Specific theories addressed include situational, contingency, path-goal, leader-member exchange, transformational, and charismatic. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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apply to a variety of circumstances and which will vary from person to person. Furthermore, leaders often employ several leadership styles, often under different conditions, to maximize their effectiveness.
The life of Dr. Martin Luther King provides an excellent example of this idea. Here was a man who was perhaps one of the worlds most noted leaders,
and clearly his impact was significant. His life and leadership exemplify many of the leadership theories available, and highlight their effectiveness in different situations. Leadership Theories As Applied
To Dr. Martin Luther King Leadership has always been an intriguing matter for discussion, and what MAKES a leader has been the
stuff of conversation and debates since the beginning of time. It was generally believed for a very long time that great leaders possessed great traits, which in effect made
them great (Which Leadership Theory is for You? 2003). However, time changed that perception and for a time the general belief was that leaders were not necessarily born, but
were made (Which Leadership Theory is for You? 2003). In other words, people can learn to be effective leaders (Which Leadership Theory is for You? 2003). However, the
emergence of Freud and Weber changed all of that (Which Leadership Theory is for You? 2003). Freud believed that the unconscious played a very large role in human behavior,
and Weber too believed that reason had its severe limitations (Which Leadership Theory is for You? 2003). Strangely enough, because of men like Freud and Weber and events like
the world wars, the theory of traits came around again full-circle - although no one could identify the specific traits of a leader (Which Leadership Theory is for You? 2003).