Sample Essay on:
Late Adulthood

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4 pages in length. Late adulthood brings with it clarity like no other development stage before it; while this transparency enables the elderly to shed the social and economic mandates associated with stability, it also reflects the insecurity that comes with failing health, lost loved ones through divorce or death, and the unknown. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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with failing health, lost loved ones through divorce or death, and the unknown. Eriksons final developmental stage (Integrity vs. Despair) focuses upon how those in late adulthood take stock in what has occurred throughout the previous stages to draw conclusion upon their lives as a whole; depending upon how the challenges of each of the past stages were handled, the elderly individual either cultivates feelings of integrity or despair. Johansson (2002) succinctly identifies this physically and emotionally trying time of transition as a period where older individuals are expected to "maintain a creative tension between the despair of physical deterioration and the integrity of finding meaning and completeness in this limited life" (p. 1), an adaptation and struggle that ultimately equates to wisdom. Adding fuel to the fire of someone whose final stage is tilted more to despair than integrity is the way in which the challenge of ageism is addressed in late adulthood. The extent to which ageism is steeped within the negative boundaries of stereotype is both grand and far-reaching; that youthfulness is a highly revered commodity in myriad societies speaks to one of the primary reasons why such destructive attitudes keep younger generations from realizing the cynical and sometimes contemptuous attitudes they harbor towards the elderly. Indeed, getting old is not a socially accepted occurrence yet it is a very prominent component of dealing with Eriksons final stage. In America, contempt and disrespect stem from the aspect of aging against ones will, with people looking upon the elderly as slow, incapable, broken down and virtually worthless individuals. One might readily surmise how the notion of ageism has its roots likely planted in Greek philosophy where old age was akin to weakness. Contemporary society ...

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