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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 6 page research paper looking at some of the changes in and political activities of the labor movement. Included is the AFL-CIO's aggressive recruiting of new members, downsizing in their own management ranks and a move to an informality of organization historically unknown in labor unions. Unions are experiencing election victories of more than 70% when paid organizers are not used, compared to a win rate of less than 30% when they are. Another boost to the unions is the increasing numbers of members from white-collar professions.
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there is a metamorphosis under way. Though overall membership is still declining, membership in several areas in increasing, and some of those increases could be seen as dramatic.
Though unions have not recovered all their lost ground in the political arena, some, particularly the AFL-CIO, are working in that area with great enthusiasm, if not with great results.
Another change under way within the labor movement is the addition of an active and growing white-collar segment. Roberts reports that there is a general decline of trade unionism
in the economically developed areas of the world (85). He says that while the causes of the decline are not uniform, there are some similarities: industrial restructuring, expansion
of the service industries, and changes in the demographic and occupational structures of the labor force. He also reports that though 40 percent of union members are women, there
is still a large female deficit (85). The American labor movement remains male-dominated, but there has been progress in bringing women into top union leadership positions more than in
the world of business (85). After years of first steadily decreasing membership followed by membership increased in numbers but decreased in focused percentages within industry groups, some segments of the
overall labor movement are experiencing sustained and vigorous growth. Edelisa Wolf, an $11.25-an-hour waitress at the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas, says she spends one day a week
recruiting for the union, "because otherwise, we would earn $7.50 an hour and no benefits" (Bernstein, 56). No small part of that growth is due to John J. Sweeney,
president of the AFL-CIO for the past 17 months. Bernstein says that the formerly-slumped labor movement has been showing "remarkable signs of life" since Sweeney took over the presidency (56).