Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Labor Movements in the U. S. and Other Countries. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
5 pages. This paper gives a thorough overview of the labor movement in the United States as well as the labor movement of other countries. There are differences that are sometimes subtle yet some countries have vastly different methods, laws and reasoning than that found in the United States. The purpose of this paper is to focus on some of these differences. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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of other countries. There are differences that are sometimes subtle yet some countries have vastly different methods, laws and reasoning than that found in the United States. The
purpose of this paper is to focus on some of these differences. THE LABOR MOVEMENT IN THE UNITED STATES Compared to the Knights and the AFL of olden days,
current organized labor is quite a bit more "diverse and broadly based" (The Readers Companion to American History PG). As such, forty percent of the members represent the white-collar
worker; thirty percent represent women; and the fourteen and one-half percent that represent black members is significantly greater than the population as a whole (The Readers Companion to American History
PG). However, the movements inability to act has long been experienced, as analyst Thomas B. Edsall noted: "The collapse of labors legislative power facilitated the adoption of a
set of economic policies highly beneficial to the corporate sector and to the affluent" (The Readers Companion to American History PG). While
it may be true that the Noble Order of the Knights of Labor -- the first successful and wide-reaching organization of labor -- was an ultimate failure, it did precipitate
the beginning of all labor organizations that followed. Without the influence of the Knights, along with the sheer fortitude of its members despite severe opposition from bureaucracy, it may
very well be that working conditions would be as horrid today as they were one hundred years ago. One cannot consider the labor
movement in the United States without considering the impact of NAFTA. Perhaps one of the biggest components of NAFTA was to be its labor issues. It was touted