Sample Essay on:
Kristen M. Swanson's Theory of Caring

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 10 page research paper offers a comprehensive overview of Kristen M. Swanson's Theory of Caring. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

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listed below. Citation styles constantly change, and these examples may not contain the most recent updates. Kristen M. Swansons Theory of Caring by Kathie Easter, October, 2012 -properly! Caring has played an integral role in nursing from the time when Florence Nightingale founded modern nursing in the nineteenth century. Since Nightingale, a variety of nursing theorists, such as Jean Watson, Madeleine Leininger, and Dorothea Orem, have built upon this legacy, reaffirming the importance of the concept and expanding on how caring can be instituted throughout nursing practice behaviors to improve care. Kristen M. Swansons Theory of Caring builds on this legacy and has achieved acceptance and wide utilization among practitioners, which is due to its elegance, simplicity, ease of application and relevance in regards to research, education and clinical practice. The examination of Swansons theory offers a comprehensive overview that describes its key components, as well as its utilization in research and practice and its relevance to practice as a nurse practitioner. Key Components and Level of Theory of Caring Swanson obtained her basic nursing education from the University of Rhode Island College of Nursing. After graduation, her interest in caring science quickly developed as she began her career as a registered nurse (RN) at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center at Worcester (Wojnar, 2009). Swanson was attracted to this facility due to the fact that the nursing administration expressed a clear vision in regards to professional nursing practice and was active in its support of primary care nursing (Wojnar, 2009). After Swanson began studying for her doctorate at the University of Colorado that the concept of caring became a principal focus for her scholarship (Wojnar, 2009). ...

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