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This 4 page research paper examines the changes which occur within King Oedipus of Thebes during the course of the Sophocles' play, Oedipus The King (or Oedipus Rex). Specifically discussed are his insecurity, his interpretation of nobility, and his growing paranoia which alienates him from nearly everyone who is close to him. Bibliography lists 1 source.
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is a devastating plague overtaking Thebes which has indiscriminately killed countless people, animals and crops. In a desperate effort to end this profound suffering, Oedipus consults a Delphic oracle,
who to decide what should be done. The oracle replies that the plague is Apollos way of ridding Thebes of the person who killed Oedipus predecessor, King Laius.
When he pressed the oracle for details, Oedipus learns that Laius had been confronted by robbers en route to Delphi, and he and all of his attendants save one had
been killed. The lone survivor returned to Thebes to report what had happened. Oedipus immediately suspects that it was a political conspiracy which killed King Laius, speculating, "How could
a robber reach such a pitch of daring -- to kill a king? Unless there had been words -- and money -- passed between him and someone here in
Thebes" (Sophocles 9). He recognizes this as his defining moment as a ruler. If he could reveal the identity of Laius killer, he would be forever loved by
his subjects. This is of great importance to Oedipus, because it must be remembered that he is not a native of Thebes. He was raised in Corinth as
the son of King Polybus and Queen Merope. After learning that he was not their true son, Oedipus set out to find his real parents. He was then
told by an oracle of Apollo that he would kill his father and marry his mother. Horrified, Oedipus decided to leave Corinth, so as not to harm the parents
he loves. He puts his reputation on the line by pledging to reveal the identity of the killer, and that everyone will be a suspect, including himself. He