Sample Essay on:
Kidney Failure

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 3 page research paper that first of all discusses the symptoms of kidney failure and why this is considered a chronic disease and then concludes by describing the importance of treatment that considers psychological and emotional needs as well as physical needs. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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listed below. Citation styles constantly change, and these examples may not contain the most recent updates. Kidney Failure Research Compiled for The Paper Store, Enterprises Inc. By - properly! Kidney failure is considered to be a chronic disease. A medical dictionary, available online at, indicates that the term "chronic" is applied to an illness of "long duration and slow progression" that "do not end." As this definition implies, chronic kidney failure is when there is a gradual decline in kidney function (Mayo Clinic staff, 2010). As chronic kidney failure is a life-threatening disease that greatly affects the patients quality of life, it is also accompanied by psychological effects. This examination of chronic kidney failure, first considers the nature of the disease and then discusses how comprehensive treatment also addresses the psychological factors. In the early stages of the disease, there may be limited signs or symptoms. However, the symptoms, as they develop over time, may include: decreased urine output (or no urine output); loss of appetite; nausea and vomiting; fatigue and weakness; deceased mental sharpness; sleep problems; swelling in ankles and feet; muscle twitches or cramps; and persistent itching (Mayo Clinic staff, 2010). Additionally, headaches, coated tongue, yellowish skin, and "skin or breath that smells like urine" are also considered to be symptoms of the disease (Carter, 2010, p. 1). Because the kidneys are adaptable, compensating for lost function, the typical symptoms of kidney failure may not become evident until the level of damage to the kidney is irreversible. At this point, chronic kidney failure progresses into end-stage kidney disease, which is fatal without dialysis (artificial filtering to remove wastes) or a kidney transplant (Mayo ...

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