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A 5 page research paper that explores key developments in the history of nursing research, beginning with Nightingale and continuing to the present. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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promoted not only patient physical well-being, but also addressed their emotional stability, a theme in nursing that continues to the present (Polit, et al, 2004). Nightingales most famous research
efforts involved her collection and analysis of data pertaining to soldier morality and morbidity during the Crimean War (Polit, et al, 2004). Due to this landmark effort, Nightingale succeeded in
bringing about changes in military medical care, as well as effecting changes that were beneficial to public health as well (Polit, et al, 2004). After Nightingale, nursing literature contains
few references to research; however, a pattern for nursing research emerged at the turn of the twentieth century that fit closely with the problems that nurses were confronting (Polit, et
al, 2004). The major of studies conducted between 1900 and 1940 addressed the topic of nursing education. Nursing research continued to focus on education during the 1940s, as there was
an unprecedented demand for nursing personnel due to Word War II. For instance, Brown, in 1948, assessed nursing education at the request of the National Nursing Council for War Service
(Polit, et al, 2004). This study found numerous inadequacies that had to be addressed and made appropriate recommendations for nursing education within collegiate settings (Polit, et al, 2004). Some
notable historic key developments in nursing research are: 1859 Nightingales Notes on Nursing published 1900 American Nursing Journal begin publication. 1923 Columbia University establishes first doctoral program for nurses.
1930s American Journal of Nursing publishes clinical case studies. 1948 Brown publishes report on nursing education. 1952 The journal Nursing Research begins publication. 1955 Inception of the American
Nurses Foundation to sponsor nursing research. 1963 International Journal of Nursing Research begins publication. 1971 ANA establishes a commission on research (Polit, et al, 2004, p. 6).