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A 3 page analysis of the poem A Blessing from My Sixteen Years’ Son by Mary Karr. No additional sources cited.
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womans thoughts about her son, as the title would suggest. It is a poem about the amazement of a parent and a poem that seems to illustrate that this young
man is a good son, a good person, which is clearly a blessing for the mother. The following paper analyzes this poem. Karrs A Blessing from My Sixteen
Years Son The theme of the poem addresses the part of a childs life when they grow up and away from the parent. In a good parent/child relationship there is
a time, in the teenaged years, when an individual will become their own person, no longer a child that is deeply connected to the parent. While this is also a
gradual process, there is a time in their lives when children break free into the real world and become adults, no longer living under the guidance and security of the
parent. This theme is seen as the poem begins with the mother speaking of how "this son who assembled inside" her at one time, and how he is now
a young man who is somewhat foreign to her at times (Karr 1). He tells her, "school/ is harshing my mellow" and how he likes a girl with a belly
ring, and how he is seemingly unscathed with no broken bones or scars (Karr 20-21). She notes how "Someday soon, the tether/ will snap" which clearly illustrates this progression (Karr
26-27). In his foreign position he then gets into a car accident and at this point he does not let her tuck him
in, and asks her if she and his father made such mistakes wherein she tells him "Youre your own/ idiot now. At which he grinned" (Karr 35-36). In this slow