Sample Essay on:
John O’Hara’s “Do You Like it Here?”

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 5 page paper which examines the theme of narrow-mindedness in John O’Hara’s short story “Do You Like it Here?” No additional sources cited.

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particular, leaving us hanging. It is a story that simply seems to introduce two particular characters, Roberts, who is the new student, and Van Ness who is in charge of, at the very least, Roberts dorm at the school. While the story does not seem to convey much of a plot, it is a story that powerfully presents us with two individuals, one of whom is incredibly narrow-minded. Van Ness is a man without experience and without vision and thus he stands as a narrow-minded character who has no tools to understand people like Robert who have seen more of life, and especially education. The following paper examines the theme of narrow-mindedness that takes place in OHaras story. Van Ness and Narrow-Mindedness In the beginning of the story we see how Roberts is being summoned to Van Ness office. We do not know why he is being summoned, but we surely understand that Roberts is nervous about the summons. Roberts illustrates how, when Van Ness has a grievance with someone he normally does it in public, in the halls or in the room of the individual he is berating. From this we understand that Van Ness is a man who appears to enjoy his job of controlling others and monitoring others. He does not merely sit back in his office, but likes to possess the power that can make the young boys cringe. We see this rigid aspect of Van Ness before we even meet him. What this does is put us in a position where we will likely side with Roberts concerning anything that takes place in the office. We are already in a position where we are not real fond of Van Ness even before we meet him. And, although we are not certain about ...

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