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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 4 page paper which examines the poetry of John Donne as it pertains to religion, love and women. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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controversial in relationship to women, religion, and his time period. Born in 1572 in London he was a man who witnessed a great deal of history in relationship to religion
and religious turmoil. He was also a man who apparently spent quite a bit of time womanizing, although he ultimately married and then lost his wife. These are experiences that
are clearly seen in his poetry. The following paper examines the elements of religion, love and women in the work of John Donne. John Donne: Love and Women
In relationship to religion in the poetry of John Donne one can well understand his take on religion by looking at his personal history. It should be noted that the
two poems that will be discussed herein are not poems about religion, but love and women. As such it is important that the student locate a poem, such as The
Flea, which is uses religious language in an interesting manner. But, in looking at Donnes history one notes how he was born into a Catholic family. That was "a precarious
thing at a time when anti-Catholic sentiment was rife in England" (Jokinen). His brother died in prison after helping a Catholic individual and this led to Donne questioning his own
take on religion and his faith which would later lead to his renouncing the Catholic Church (Jokinen). In many ways Donne is
considered to be something of a metaphysical poet, especially in relationship to his time in history which was not a time that was incredibly accepting of any other approach to
life than through religion and God. Donne was, it seems, ahead of his time in these respects and researching religious views of the time alongside metaphysical thought will help the