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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
5 pages. This example essay of Jingling Bracelets by Maximilliam Schlaks considers several topics that are found within the storyline. Each of these topics is developed with a topic sentence as well as supporting details from the story. Quotes are used within this sample paper as well. Bibliography lists 1 source.
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sentence as well as supporting details from the story. Quotes are used within this sample paper as well. Jingling Bracelets The title of this short story, Jingling Bracelets,
carries a meaningful message in itself that will not be apparent to the reader until the end of the story. When Claire and her husband take a vacation to Africa
to enjoy an opulent lifestyle in the confines of a Club Med style vacation resort, they decide to actually leave the resort compound to visit the city itself in Africa.
What they find is abject poverty and pain, illness and dejection everywhere they go. Throughout their sojourn, Claire and her husband happen to come upon Said, who sells
imitation silver bracelets to try to make more money for his family. While Said tries in vain to sell them bracelets in which they have no desire, it becomes
obvious that he is getting more and more agitated because he has not made a sale. Determined in some way to give him some sort of cash without the expense
of buying an overpriced bracelet, the two Americans agree to let Said show them around the city. Said, however, brightens up and said he would be delighted to do
it for free. "Let me show you the souk, at least. Ill be your interpreter" he said. "How much?" "Free", he said. "My pleasure." He smiled and
his bony, dry face creased with wrinkles (Schlaks PG). Saids plight about selling the bracelets is no bluff. At the end of the story it explains that he has
to walk for six hours in order to make it to the village each day and that his children are starving and need shoes. It is imperative that he