Sample Essay on:
Jean Watson's Theory of Transpersonal Caring

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 4 page research paper offers an overview of Jean Watson's Theory of Transpersonal Caring. The writer describes the caritas processes, the transpersonal caring relationship and the caring moment, which are the basic components of the theory. A 9 slide powerpoint presentation of the material is also available. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

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4 pages (~225 words per page)

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listed below. Citation styles constantly change, and these examples may not contain the most recent updates. Jean Watsons Theory of Transpersonal Caring Research Compiled By - September, 2012 properly! Care, both as a noun and a verb, is inextricably intertwined with nursing. Nurses provide care, that is, the actions necessary to attend to patients suffering from illness or disability, while they are also care for them, which is evident in interpersonal relationships that demonstrate nurses concern and empathy for their patients. In 1995, the American Nurses Association (ANA) officially recognized the centrality of caring to the profession by expanding its definition of nursing to include the establishment of a caring relationship with patients (Bailey, 2009). Jean Watsons Theory of Transpersonal Caring provides nurses with a comprehensive, effective framework for understanding the primary importance of caring within the profession of nursing that also facilitates thoroughly integrating caring into daily nursing practice. The following examination of Watsons theory offers an overview of this framework and how it is used in nursing practice. Watsons theory centers nursing practice around the goal of aiding patients in achieving harmony within their mind, body and soul via the caring interactions that occur within the transpersonal caring relationship (Suliman, et al, 2009). As this suggests, Watson envisions nursing as a combination of science and as an art that enables nurses to connect in an intimate manner with their patients that promotes the healing process (Jesse, 2010). The three primary elements of Watsons theory are the transpersonal caring relationship, carative factors and the caring occasion/caring moment (Lachman, 2012). Building a transpersonal caring relationship requires self-awareness as a nurse must be aware ...

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