Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Jack Welch And General Electric. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 5 page paper begins with an introduction to the history of General Electric. The rest of the paper discusses Jack Welch as a leader and the changes he brought to GE. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
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2006). By 1892 and as business grew, it was clear the two companies could do better if they merged, which they did and the General Electric Company was formed (GE,
History, 2006). Several of Edisons original businesses, such as lighting, industrial products, power transmissions, transportation and medical equipment are still part of GE (GE, History, 2006). In the
1890s, GE was producing Appliances Electric fans and by 1907, the company was offering a line of cooking and heating devises (GE, History, 2006). In 1917, GE began developing the
first airplane engine booster for the aviation industry (GE, History, 2006). The GE Plastic department was created in 1930 and emerged from Edisons own experiences with plastic filaments, a project
he began in 1893 (GE, History, 2006). Calone (2006) wrote: "From jet engines to TV broadcasting, from plastics to power plants, General Electric (GE) is plugged in to most of
the businesses that have shaped the modern world." The company also offers equipment, consumer and commercial financing (Calone, 2006). Nearly 40 percent of sales are generated by GE Finances (Calone,
2006). GE identifies its values as: Imagine, solve, build and lead" (GE, Values, 2006). The company "does not have a mission statement, per se" (GE, Investor, 2006). Jeffrey R. Immelt
is the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer (GE, Company, 2006). Jack Welch After completing his doctorate degree chemical engineering, Jack Welch was hired at GE
Plastics in Pittsfield, Massachusetts (Lewis, 2001). That was in 1960; in 1981, Welch was appointed chairman and chief executive of the General Electric Corporation (Lewis, 2001). At that time, GE
was the 11th largest company in the United States and had recorded earnings of $1.65 billion the previous year (Lewis, 2001). The companys market value in 1981 was $12 billion,