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This 3-page paper focuses on the juvenile justice process. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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on the Internet for this purpose. The one below is available on the U.S. Department of Justices Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention website.
Some interesting history is that, until the latter part of the 20th century, juvenile justice and its system tended to be somewhat lenient on children committing
crimes (Snyder and Sickmund, 1999). During the 1990s, however, public scrutiny of the systems ability to control violent juvenile offenders prompted some changes - the response is that states have
adapted a variety of laws in their efforts to reduce juvenile crime (Snyder and Sickmund, 1999). Early in the history of law, children who broke the law were treated the
same as adults who did the same thing (Snyder and Sickmund, 1999). Throughout history, treatment of juveniles has swung from intolerance, to benevolence, and back to a swifter crackdown on
juvenile crimes. These days, laws when it comes to treating juvenile criminals vary from state to state, but the U.S. Department of
Justice outlines a series of specific decision points. A juvenile enters the system through an arresting officer, and that officer can decide either to divert the system or send it
further into the system (Juvenile Justice System, 2012). Sometimes, juveniles can enter the system through a child welfare agency as well (Juvenile Justice System, 2012).
Law enforcement makes a decision after talking to the victim, the juvenile and the parents, and taking a look at the juveniles history (Juvenile Justice System, 2012).
Federation regulations discourage holding juveniles and adult jails (Juvenile Justice System, 2012). What happens