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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 3 page paper discusses issues that concern prison inmates, including access to health care, trends in the criminal justice system, women in prison and access to attorneys. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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in the prison population has led to overcrowding and diminished services for inmates. While no one expects life in prison to be anything other than an extremely difficult and unpleasant
experience, inmates and their friends and families are becoming increasingly concerned that even basic issues are no longer addressed. This paper discusses some of the inmates concerns and the trends
in the criminal justice system with regard to the prison system. Discussion In general, the trend in the system is toward privatization of prisons. That is, prisons are being built
and run by private corporations - with all the problems that implies - rather than being run by the states. The Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) now runs a number
of U.S. prisons, and in the view of one former prisoner, the change is not for the better. In order to get the contract, CCA and similar companies submit bids,
claiming that "they can do the job cheaper" (Friedmann, 1999). This translate into "cutting corners," and the impact is felt throughout the prison, from the bad food to the "rationed
distribution of blankets and toilet paper" (Friedmann, 1999). But the biggest impact is in the fact that the guards are less numerous than in state-run facilities; and as employees of
a company rather than career corrections officers, they are underpaid, demoralized, and the turnover is high (Friedmann, 1999). Professor Ira Robbins articulated the opinion of the American Bar Association when
he said that "something meaningful" had been lost when a prisoner looks at a guards uniform "and instead of seeing an emblem that reads Federal Bureau of Prisons or State
Department of Corrections, he sees one that says Acme Prison Corporation" (Friedmann, 1999). Numerous sources also note that the "three strikes" laws, plus an American public that seems generally bent